Check out the first episode of The Captain Quinn Show where Captain Quinn talks about the current housing crisis in Northern BC, issues with pipelines, a strange noise in the sky and then teaches you how to make a knife.
Im a bASS Fisherman-Stereotypes
Do bass fishermen really say these things? Probably :)
The Captain's Winter Challenge Video is Sweeping the GLOBE!
I never would have thought that a video of me going through the arduous effort of trying to cut a hole in a frozen lake, dressed in my sundays finest, in order to submerse myself in the frigid water for the good spirited "Winter Challenge 2014" would have generated such interest! Over 100 000 youtube views and climbing, my video has found its way on to thousands of blogs, news feeds and fb pages. It is wonderful and I challenge anyone who reads this blog to take a crack at the winter challenge-you have 24 hours. I would like to thank whoever started this fantastic activity and all who participated.
See you next time,
Captain Quinn
Be warned though-the winter challenge has been known to cause serious shrinkage in male participants!
Please leave a comment below on what you though about the video and subscribe to this blog for more Captain Quinn Comedy! I also specialize in fishing and the great outdoors :)
True Facts About the Angler Fish
Another hilarious educational commentary by ZeFrank on the Angler Fish
True Facts About the Cuttlefish
This guy is really quite funny and should narrate the next planet earth series!