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Canada's Fisheries Act

Put the Pressure on!

Here is an email that has been circulating on behalf of Friends of Wild Salmon. The email breaks down the issue very well and everyone who appreciates or enjoys the great outdoors and fishing should be concerned-to be Frank, you should be up in arms-I am!

Read on and until next time, Keep on Adventuring,

Captain Quinn

Help save Canada's Fisheries Act 

Dear Eve,

For decades, Canada's Fisheries Act has protected our salmon and their habitat. Now it's under threat. The Conservatives want to remove key parts of the law to fast-track risky industrial development.

Why should you oppose these changes to the Fisheries Act? Here are a few reasons:


  • Protection for fish habitat is greatly weakened.
  • Only lakes and rivers supporting commercial, recreational or aboriginal fisheries will be protected.
  • The Feds are off-loading responsibilities to provinces and industry.
  • DFO cuts undermine public and fish safety.
  • These massive changes are undemocratic.
  • Changes are being made to facilitate projects such as Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline and tanker proposal.

In Ottawa: 1-866-599-4999 (ask for Minister Ashfield’s office)


The changes are opposed by four former federal fisheries ministers, including former Tory fisheries ministers Tom Siddon and John Fraser.

“They are totally watering down and emasculating the Fisheries Act,” Siddon told the Globe and Mail.

What can you do? Two things:

1. Call Canada's Fisheries Minister, Keith Ashfield:

Constituency Office: (506) 452-4110

2. Sign the online petition

ForestEthics Advocacy has created an online petition that has already been signed by over 2,000 people who are opposed to the proposed changes to the Fisheries Act.

Click here to sign the petition now.


Friends of Wild Salmon | PO Box 2803 | Smithers, BC, Canada, V0J 2N0 | info@friendsofwildsalmon.caUnsubscribe