Captain Quinn-Comedy Fishing & Outdoor Videos Photos and Stories


Fishing Videos

Thumbs Up for Fishing VideosMost people who like to fish like watching fishing videos. Those of you who have no relationship with fishing, well, perhaps you don't appreciate the video used to capture the many exciting things that fishing represents. Thats ok-but who doesn't appreciate a good chuckle here and there? Well here at we give you the best of both worlds. Comedy and Fishing combined with Adventure and the Environment makes for endless sources of Outdoor Entertainment! So we invite you to peruse our content, comment and even contribute some of your own if you like. Become a member for free and recieve the most awesomely hilarious News Letter available on the Web!

Check it out for yourself!

Captain Quinns Top 3 Funny Fishing Videos

Shit Fishermen Say

Guy Catches Dogs with Fishing Rod

Fishing as an Artform

Take care talk soon and until next time, keep on adventuring,

Captain Quinn

16 Babes on Bikes!

If that doesn’t capture the attention of a young man, I don’t know what will.

So I was riding my bicycle home from work today, it hadn't yet started to rain.  As I was approaching my turn I noticed  a couple of cyclists ahead of me.  They were obviously on tour as they had panniers loaded to the brim and were towing trailers with all kinds of gear.  One of the cyclist had a sign under her seat which caught my eye, it read Otesha.  I figured that this was the name the rider had chosen for her iron steed...Otesha, its got a nice ring.

The four riders that I was cycling past were approaching a grueling hill, so I shouted words of encouragement “quite the hill ahead but when you get to the top its all down hill from there!”  I had no idea where their destination was and took my turn into Halfmoon Bay as they embarked on quite the ascent.  

Further along my ride I caught up to two more cyclist and started asking questions: “are you the group of girls on bikes going around to schools performing plays?” It turns out they were and presently are, for the next month and a half in fact.  So I asked them where they were heading. They informed me that they were to perform their play at Halfmoon Bay Elementary School, my old school.  I think my name is still carved into the monkey bars.

“So do you know were you are going?” “yah, we got directions” one of the girls informed me. 

“oh and are those 4 girls behind you part of your group?” Of course they were.  “um, I think that they may have missed their turn.”  

If you miss your turn into Halfmoon Bay you are faced with a large hill and a long stretch of highway that doesn’t run out until Egmont, 70 km later.  “Do you have a phone? Maybe you should call them” I suggested.  Whose going to answer their cell as they are grinding up a hill on a bicycle loaded to the max with gear? Nobody, that’s who.

The show must go on!

“I’ll tell you what, why don’t I ride back, see if I can catch up with them and get them back on track.” So off I went.  

I didn’t have to go too far, as they had already corrected their navigational error and were back on track before I reached them. These girls are highly functional and very organized!

I found out when their play started (1:00pm) and bid them fair-well. 

At quarter to, I grabbed my dog and made my way back up to my old elementary school.  Steering clear of the monkey bars I headed straight to the gym for one more assembly.

It turns out that Otesha is not the name of a bicycle but an entire organization dedicated to inspiring message of youth empowerment and sustainable consumption.

I watched the play intently and was thoroughly impressed by the energy and creativity of these amazing individuals.  The message was clear and well presented. The children were engaged and asking questions.  

After watching this play, the children weren’t the only ones with questions.  So there I sat in the corner with my hand in the air, waiting for permission to speak.  However, my questions would have to wait until after question period and it’s a good thing to because I had a lot of them.

When the play was over, I was finally aloud to start firing away.  The more I talked to this incredible group of people the more my heart began to fill with joy.  More people dedicated to making the world a better place for all and in such a unique fashion.

Well done ladies, incredible performance! Keep up the good work and ride safe.

Until next time keep on adventuring,

Captain Quinn ;)

More about the project.

Cycling and Performing Touring Group to Deliver Play on Environmental Issues

CITY, British Columbia – September BLANK, 2011 – A group of 16 young people from across Canada will be visiting the community to offer a performance of a play entitled Taking Action. They are cycling through British Columbia armed with an inspiring message of youth empowerment and sustainable consumption as part of the Sunshine Coast Tour organized by The Otesha Project.  

The comedic and inspiring play shows the story of average Canadians who are choosing to be extraordinary.  Audience members explore what ignites individuals to take action, and what challenges and rewards are encountered in the process. The characters in the play – and the audience – are sent on a journey toward the path to sustainability, exploring positive choices we can make along the way.

The members of the traveling theatre troupe make up a mobile sustainable community and cycle from performance to performance, braving the elements, and opening conversations in communities about how we can live more sustainably. As they pedal more than 1,250 kilometres across British Columbia, they will explore all the ups and downs of directly addressing environmental and social justice issues through their own every day actions.  

About the Otesha Project:
Founded in 2002, the Otesha Project is a youth-led charitable organization that uses theatre to mobilize young people to create local and global change through their daily consumer choices. The Otesha Project has now performed to many more than 100,000 people across Canada and won awards for their innovative and effective youth engagement programs. 


Members of the Sunshine Coast Tour  (after September 10)
Cell: 613 296 6819


Matt Schaaf, Programs Director
Office: 613 237 6065