BACK AGAIN AND BADDER THAN EVER!!! — Captain Quinn-Comedy Fishing & Outdoor Videos Photos and Stories


O.k. So, I have been on hiadus as of late but alas I return to the world of technology with even more  stories to share with you!

We have travelled all arms of Northern B.C. and seen all that the pristine remote wilderness has to offer and more.  I have made guyuks (salmon jerky) with Nisga elders in Gingolith and stood my ground while getting charged by 400 lbs black bear, I have caught many fish and lived off the land.  All involve magistic tales that I will share soon via more captivating writting, photos and video to boot!

You are all amazing and here is to you the fans of adventure and lovers of life.

Stay posted,

Captain Quinn

P.S.-Here is  a life size image of the bear that I ran off:

p.p.s.-this is actually a griz but whose counting, he may be related!