Swim for the Salmon UPDATE! — Captain Quinn-Comedy Fishing & Outdoor Videos Photos and Stories

Swim for the Salmon UPDATE!

Free Salmon BBQ

Will be held at Porpoise Bay Campground. It will start at 3:00pm and go until probably around 5:30pm but if people want to stick around they are most welcome to do so. I will be providing 50 lbs of salmon that I caught off of Ucluelet last weekend and will be BBQ'ing it for free for anyone who comes out to show their support. The BBQ will be potluck style, so if people could bring a little dish that would be greatly appreciated.


I have had petition made up regarding corporate and government responsibilities to restore and protect our environment and the best interest of our community.

The Swim.

The swim will start in Egmont at the government dock.

The start time will be 6:45 am for beginner kayakers and 7:30 for experienced.

I will be starting the swim at 7:30 am with my main support kayaker.

The total distance of the swim is between 32 km and 35 km.

I will try to do it all on Saturday in under 17 hours.

I am estimating that it will take between 10 and 17 hours.

I hope to finish by 9:00 pm for total of 13 hours.

People wishing to do the whole swim or Paddle.

People wishing to participate in this event in whole will need to contact me at 604 989 2894 or 604 740 7799.


They will need a personal support boat ( a kayak will do). They will need sufficient food and water and should be well prepared to camp the night should the situation call for it.


They will need sufficient food and water and should be well prepared to camp the night should the situation call for it. Also they must call 604 989 2894 or 604 740 7799 to confirm.

People wishing to Swim or Paddle a portion

Must also call either of the two numbers to confirm. Once confirmed they have two options:


The last leg swimmers or paddlers will be starting from Tuwanek or 4 mile point.

If you start from Tuwanek it will be 5.5 km to finish.

If you start from 4 mile point it will be 2.5 km to finish.

There is parking at both spots and a shuttle will be available to take you back to parked vehicles.

"Last leggers" will be put in touch with each other and will be meeting at chosen location before starting the last leg.

If all things go according to plan we will be arriving at the area with a "Swim for the Salmon" Banner in tow between 5 pm and 8 pm.


People wishing to swim or paddle a portion can arrange their own shuttle or get on board with one of ours.


***Basically there are a number of ways to participate but given the complicated logistics and possible variables the best way to go about participating is to contact myself at 604 989 2894***


Take care and talk soon,

Captain Quinn

-Together we can inspire change.